Some of these can help you make your blog popular depending upon the NICHE of your Blog.
- Firstly, Be Yourself...even if you dont follow any other points below is fine...THIS IS MUST.
- Be Creative.... Be Innovative....... surely you can...
- Start Loving it will make it better and better.. day by day.. everyday.......
- Re-Dress ur blog to give a fresh look.
- Interview other bloggers and post the interview.
- Share / Write about your personal life sometimes.
- Ask questions to your visitors.
- Celebrate your/your blog’s birthday with your visitors in an innovative way..
- Encourage sharing of opinions.
- Put your blog’s ad in the local newspaper or the yellow pages.
- Create polls.
- Write about your blog achievements.
- Share your hopes and aspirations about your blog.
- Make contact with your local visitors and hold a get-together or a bloggers’ meet.
- Start a blog comic strip.
- Dig up some old article that you wrote on your blog which became famous and start a discussion.
- Post videos that will help your visitors learn something new. Also submit them to video sharing websites like
- Write about your hobbies and interests. (For example, if you like cooking, post a new recipe)
- Post about one of the weirdest thing that you ever did.
- Brand your blog with a catch phrase along with a logo.
- Join Yahoo! Answers and put a link on your website to your answers.
- Do surveys and publish the results to your visitors.
- Build tools that your visitors might find use for.
- Start a newsletter.
- Podcasting is another good way to make your blog popular.
- Publicize your blog to your friends and relatives and let them do some work for you.
- Be active in Social Bookmarking websites.
- Share Link Love and you will get it back.
- People like to read about NEW, TECH, SOLUTION, SELF....., Write about it.
- Write about something that’s already famous.